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Long Text truncating
Amanda McDonald 
11 months ago
I created an Email Template Form as taught in the seminar lessons.
I created a "Send To" table called EmailSendGroup.
"Send To" table has 5 fields.
SendGroupID - AutoNumber
SendGroupInActive - Yes/No
SendGroupGroupName - Short Text: Short Descriptive Name
SendGroupGroupDescription - Short Text: Longer description of customers included in the group.
SendGroup - Long Text: SQL Statement for the Send To Group

I enter the new records for the send groups via a form.
The form works well, and the table looks good.

Then I made some changes to the Email Template Form from class.
I changed the To field to an unbound drop-down combo box named SelectSendGroup.
SelectSendGroup Row Source = SELECT EmailSendGroup.SendGroupID, EmailSendGroup.SendGoupName, EmailSendGroup.SendGroupDescription, EmailSendGroup.SendGroup, EmailSendGroup.InActive FROM EmailSendGroup WHERE (((EmailSendGroup.InActive)=False));

I added 3 other text boxes to the Email Template table and form.

SendGroupID - Short Text
SendGroupName - Short Text
SendGroup - Long Text

I added the following to the AfterUpdate and Change events for the SelectSendGroup combo box.

DetailsPrivate Sub SelectSendGroup_AfterUpdate()
        Me.SendGoupID.value = Me.SelectSendGroup.Column(0)
        Me.SendGroupName.value = Me.SelectSendGroup.Column(1)
        Me.SendGroup.value = Me.SelectSendGroup.Column(3)
End Sub

DetailsPrivate Sub SelectSendGroup_Change()
    If Len(Me.SelectSendGroup.Text) > 0 Then
        SQL = "SELECT EmailSendGroup.SendGroupID, EmailSendGroup.SendGoupName, EmailSendGroup.SendGroupDescription, EmailSendGroup.SendGroup, EmailSendGroup.InActive FROM EmailSendGroup WHERE (((EmailSendGroup.InActive)=False));"
    End If
        Me.SelectSendGroup.RowSource = SQL
End Sub

Everything works fine except the SendGoup field is getting truncated and cutting off at around 230ish characters.
If I copy and paste the SQL statement into the field it doesn't get truncated.
Can I change something in the code to stop it from truncating?

There are multiple SendGroups that the Email Templates could get sent to and I want the users to be able to mix and match the Templates and SendGoups.
We could have 5 (sometimes more) SendGroups for one Email Template. If I have to paste the SQL statement into the template form I will have to make 5 templates, one for each group.
Kevin Yip 
11 months ago
A combo box column can only has up to 255 characters.  That is the reason your long text field is truncated.  Access truncates a long text field, without warning, whenever certain "processing" needs to be done on the long text field, such as the process of putting a long text field inside a combo box.  Therefore, your long text field should not be put inside a combo box.  You need to retrieve it separately with DLookup or a recordset.  After retrieving it, don't put it through any combo box, query, etc.
Amanda McDonald OP 
11 months ago
Thank you, Kevin!!! As soon as I switched it to DLookup it worked great! I searched the internet for at least two hours. I found a lot about truncating long text boxes but nothing that applied and/or fixed my problem. I was sure I had something wrong with my VBA, didn't even come close to putting it together with it being a combo box. Another rough lesson!

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