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AutoCorrect Issue
Jeffrey Kraft 
9 months ago
Long time YouTube watcher and short time viewer here.  I have a table that covers your video topics.  I've marked them as Beginner, Expert, Advanced, Developer.  Brief description and link to video.  Issue is it hates searching for the word Developer.

DetailsPrivate Sub MySearch_Change()
    If blnspace = False Then
        Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM MyTopicTbl " & _
            "WHERE TopicName LIKE ""*" & MySearch.Text & "*"""
            MySearch.SelStart = Len(MySearch.Text)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub MySearch_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If KeyAscii = 32 Then
        blnspace = True
        blnspace = False
    End If
End Sub

The MySearch_KeyPress is simply looking to see if the space bar has been pressed and if so set the condition to true.  Other it's always.

Here is the issue.  If I try and type "Developer" into the MySearch Text box it works fine, until I hit the e after the p.  Meaning Develop and at that point accept anything.  If I enter Develop*er it works.

Is this a Me Bug or another Microsoft Access issue.
Sami Shamma 
9 months ago
What are you trying to achieve with this code?
I failed to understand the significance of testing for the spacebar
Jeffrey Kraft OP 
9 months ago
The space bar If you searched for "Jeff Kraft" it would stop dead in it's tracks and I get an error message.  I've taken the If BInSpace = False Then / End if out and took the KeyPress out and it still flips out when the word searched is Develop and won't continue with the e.  I'm starting to think its a reserved word that Queries don't like.  Screen shots to follow.
Jeffrey Kraft OP 
9 months ago

Adam Schwanz 
9 months ago
I get this error too, so not just you. I remember I had another word a few years ago that would auto correct when I reached a certain point and I had to turn off Windows typing setting for autocorrect. That doesn't seem to fix this problem.
Richard Rost 
9 months ago
Yeah, I was gonna say it sounds like an AutoCorrect problem. I have "Access" set up as an autocorrect word, because 99% of the time when I use it, I'm referring to Microsoft Access. Any time I type "you will have access to the courses," it gets autocorrected to "Access" on me, and I have to change it. Easy fix though.
Adam Schwanz 
9 months ago
Is that the Aptos font bug Kevin?
Kevin Yip 
9 months ago
But would autocorrect actually prevent the user from typing a key as the OP says?  I haven't seen this myself, but I've seen many weird things happen to form controls.  I've seen a textbox that contained invisible text.  When I clicked on the textbox, there was no cursor.  When I typed in it, nothing would show up (vaguely similar to the current situation).  Yet the form showed that it was being "dirtied" (the pencil mark on the left).  When I opened the table that the form was bound to, what I typed earlier would show up in that field!  But it just wouldn't show up in the textbox on the form.  It turned out that I had to change the textbox's font to something else, switched to a different form, switched back, THEN the text would appear.  You can see this magical textbox in action by downloading this DB (in zipped file):


Open the .accdb file, open the form "Streamline Client Record," and start typing on the field named "Agent Matches" and behold the magic.   You won't find anything amiss in design view.  Only the workaround I mentioned above would fix it.
Kevin Yip 
9 months ago
Hi Adam, this bug originally existed in an .MDB file (created many years ago in old Access versions), so it wasn't related to Aptos.  It was then saved into an .accdb file, and the bug remained intact.  I also have the original .mdb file with the bug.
Kevin Yip 
9 months ago
Hi Richard, if I upload a YouTube video capture of the bug and include a file link in my YouTube video description, is that allowed?  This bug is so bizarre that I think it would be of interest to your students and members.
Richard Rost 
9 months ago
Yeah, that's fine. We just don't allow file links. I trust YOU, but I've had people post bogus links before, so it's just a blanket rule now.
Jeffrey Kraft OP 
9 months ago
In my case I already have Track name AutoCorrect info check box disabled (If that is what you were referring to).  As far as my issue was/is concerned it didn't help or make the problem worse.  I recall having something like this occurred with Access 2003 while playing with it. It was one of the reasons why I never moved my offices databases to Access at the time.  So far Developed is only word I've had the issue with, but the database is young and only has 90 entries so far.

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