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how to track the total items
Siyamand Rashid 
10 months ago
I have a question regarding your approach to overwriting the "Quantity on Hand" field in the "Product" table. How do you intend to determine the number of items sold in a year, for example, if the original quantity is overwritten? Would it not be advisable to maintain the original number of items for reference purposes?
Adam Schwanz 
10 months ago
You can count the number from the OrderDetailT of how many of which parts you sold, one way you could do that is DSum
Richard Rost 
10 months ago
The quantity on hand represents the amount you currently have on hand at the moment for inventory purposes. If you want to count sales, then you'd look in your sales tables, which in this case, like Adam said, is the OrderDetailT.
Siyamand Rashid OP 
10 months ago
thank you for replies,
Siyamand Rashid OP 
10 months ago
But What if an order or delivery  has been canceled after a day or a week, the quantity in the ProductT will be inaccurate how to work around this?
Adam Schwanz 
10 months ago
You need to either manually adjust them, or program a button to "cancel" the order, which would go in and add back the parts that you took out in the order.
Siyamand Rashid OP 
10 months ago
adding an Order Canceled button will be a good idea, it will be great if Richard make a video on this
Adam Schwanz 
10 months ago
I'm not sure how he's doing the product on hand in this tech help but he covers how to do this in VBA which is easier in my opinion in a few classes, one of them being Developer 19. You use the exact same code but you make the amount removed a negative number.
Richard Rost 
10 months ago
Yeah, I'm probably not going to make any more TechHelp videos about inventory control because I've spent literally 10-20 hours on inventory control in the Developer lessons and in the Barcode Seminar. It's a topic that requires a lot of programming, and you have to manage and maintain when stock goes in and out. You brought up the perfect example when an order is paid or shipped. Whenever you decide you want to do it, that's when you take something out of inventory. If you have a return, you've got to put it back in inventory, and that's just something that you have to manage with all your code and make sure the user can't get around it.

I've spent tons of time doing it in my Developer lessons, and it's honestly beyond the focus of a TechHelp video. But Adam pointed me in the right direction to start with Developer 19, or start with Developer 16 if you aren't too familiar with record sets because you'll use a lot of those working with inventory.

Here are all the places I cover Inventory.

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