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Richard Rost 
8 months ago
Q1. What specific function does the "time serial" perform in Access?
A. Converts date and time to string format
B. Converts text to numeric format
C. Builds a time from hours, minutes, and seconds
D. Formats numbers to currency format

Q2. In this tutorial, which function is used to extract the hour, minute, and second from a string?
A. DateSerial
B. Mid
C. Left
D. Right

Q3. What does adding the "new date" and "new time" together accomplish in Access?
A. It formats the date value into a string
B. It combines date and time into a single DateTime value
C. It converts time values to UTC
D. It subtracts the time from the date value

Q4. What is necessary to adjust the date and time values for different time zones?
A. Including specific date formats
B. Adding or subtracting the time zone hours and minutes
C. Using the DateDiff function
D. Changing the data type to TimeZone

Q5. What does the "CLNG" function do in the tutorial?
A. Converts text string value to long integer
B. Converts date to string format
C. Trims unnecessary characters from text
D. Formats numbers to percentage

Q6. Why is it important to convert text string time zone offsets to long integers?
A. To format the date properly
B. To avoid errors in Text fields
C. To perform arithmetic operations with them
D. To store them in a separate table

Q7. How do you determine whether to add or subtract the time zone offset to the main date-time value?
A. Using the LEN function
B. Using the IIF function to check the plus or minus sign
C. Using the DateSerial function
D. Using the Mid function to convert time

Q8. For converting hour offsets to minutes and then adding them to the main date-time, which function is used?
A. DateDiff
B. DateAdd
C. TimeSerial
D. Format

Q9. When combining both time zone hour and minute offsets into total minutes, why are the operations done within parentheses?
A. To ensure correct order of operations
B. To improve calculation speed
C. To convert the result to string
D. To format the output

Q10. What is the purpose of the "Update query" mentioned towards the end of the tutorial?
A. To convert text strings to integer values
B. To automate data input
C. To update the table with calculated DateTime values
D. To create new tables for different values

Answers: 1-C; 2-B; 3-B; 4-B; 5-A; 6-C; 7-B; 8-B; 9-A; 10-C

DISCLAIMER: Quiz questions are AI generated. If you find any that are wrong, don't make sense, or aren't related to the video topic at hand, then please post a comment and let me know. Thanks.

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