This is probably an easy problem, but I have been going around in circles for hours to try to solve it. I have an excel sheet containing a column of 1600+ 6-digit numbers. These numbers are duplicates giving me a spreadsheet of 18k rows. I don't want to delete the duplicates. I want to assign each group of numbers another unique number which will occupy an adjacent cell. How can I do this quickly?
Kevin Robertson 8 months ago
What's your criteria for the unique number you want inserted. Please supply some examples.
Sandi CushionOP 8 months ago
Thanks Kevin but I persevered sorted it now. I used this: =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2,A2)=1,MAX(B$1:B1)+1,VLOOKUP(A2,A$1:B1,2,0)) Then I copied and did a paste special to get rid of the underlying formula and just keep the values.
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