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Richard Rost 
6 months ago
In today's video, we're going to talk about how to speed up your loops in your Microsoft Access VBA. Fun stuff. Today's question comes from Brooke in Hilliard, Ohio, one of my Platinum members. Brooke says, "I've got a loop that does stuff." She explained what it does, but the stuff that it does really is inconsequential. However, it's tremendously slow if I display a status on the screen. If I get rid of the status, then it runs much faster, but it still takes a few minutes to run and I don't want the user to think the database is locked. Any suggestions?

Well, yes, Brooke, I've got a couple of suggestions. Let's get into it. First off, if you can use an SQL statement instead of a loop, then do that. SQL is much, much faster than looping through records using VBA, whether it's a record set or moving through records in a form, any of that stuff. SQL is always much faster. I get it because when I first started programming, I learned BASIC on an old TRS-80 when I was a kid. So my brain tends to think in terms of loops, in terms of BASIC, right regular programming. I didn't learn database SQL stuff until I was well into my 20s so I often think of loops first and then, "No, can I write this as an SQL statement?" later. So if you can do that, granted some things will require a loop. Like if you want to send a bunch of emails to people, you have to loop through all the records and send an individual email to everybody, so loops are unavoidable. But if you can use SQL, then do that.

Update the screen less often. If you're using something like my status function, my status box, which I'll talk about in a minute, instead of updating it for every record, then update it maybe every 100 records or every 1,000 records or whatever your numbers happen to be. We're going to go through an example of how to do this in a few minutes. But it is definitely those screen writes that are slow. They're usually the slowest thing in a loop.

You can turn off screen writes altogether with the echo command. I've covered this in a couple of different videos but I don't recommend it because, for a couple of reasons, it doesn't solve your problem. If your event takes a few minutes to run and the user is going to sit there and go, "What happened?" and then maybe, you know, close Access and, you know, task manager, kill it, whatever, because they think that it's locked. You don't want that, so you still want to update them every couple of seconds so they know something is going on. Plus with the echo command, if you turn echo off and you do end up with an error or something aborts your loop, if you don't turn echo back on, your database is going to appear to have crashed. I don't recommend that option, but it is an option.

You can use asynchronous processing. What this means is having two processes run at the same time. I mentioned a minute ago that email batch. Well, instead of having your main database do it while the user sits there and waits, you could do it in the background. Now, Access by itself does not support asynchronous processing, but you can shell out to a second database. Make a button that opens up another database and that database can process in the background while your user can go back to work. That's definitely an option. I do that all the time myself. In fact, here's a video that explains how to launch another database from your main database. If you're interested, go watch this one.

Next up, try not to use form controls in your loop. Bound controls especially if it's bound to a table, okay, or any form control if you can help it. It's much, much faster if you stick to memory variables. So, if you have to do some stuff, read that form value into memory and then perform the loop on that variable that you've declared. Don't work with the form fields if you can avoid it because that's, again, going to slow things down. And along the same token, try to avoid moving around on forms using go to record, go to control, all that kind of stuff. If you need to loop through records, use a record set. It's much, much faster. And if you don't know what a record set is, well, go watch this video. I've got videos for everything.

And finally, avoid variants if possible. Variant memory types or data types, they're just slow. They're slower than longs and strings and all that. Why? Don't worry about it. It's above your pay grade. There's a long technical explanation why. But if you're looping through tens of thousands of records and you can use a number type like a long type or whatever, use that instead of a variant. It'll speed things up for you.

Alright, so let's take a look at an example of one of these. How to update the screen status less often. Let's see how to do that. But first, some prerequisites. Like I mentioned before, this is going to be a developer-level video. What does that mean? Well, that means if you don't know any VBA and you want to learn some VBA, VBA is really cool, folks. Go watch this video, it will get you started in about 20 minutes. For the purposes of this video, I'm going to use a for next loop just to loop a bunch of stuff, alright, just to sample something happening, but you can use any kind of loop you want. You can use a while loop, you can use a do loop, you can use a loop de loop, you can use a, I don't know, hula hoop loop, whatever.

I am going to use my little status box function that I created which basically puts the information you want to put in a little box on your form. And I explained how I use this in this video. If you want to learn that, it's basically something better than using the status bar or popping up a message box. And finally, I don't have a cool screen for this one, but it's an older video, that's why. We're going to use the modulus function mod to determine if we've, you know, displayed a hundred records or a thousand records or whatever, and we're going to use the mod function to do that.

So, go watch this video if you don't know what the mod function is. These are all free videos. They're on my website, they're on my YouTube channel. I'll put links down below, go watch those, and then come on back.

Alrighty then, so here I am in my TechHelp free template. This is a free database you can download off my website if you want to, but you can do this stuff in any database you want. Now, I've got a Hello World button here, and all that does is use the status function and displays Hello World. So, instead of doing that, let's hijack this button and make it loop like 2,000 times through a loop here. And then we'll display the data to the screen, and you can see how slow it is. Watch this.

Right-click Build Event. It brings up my code builder. Alright. I'm right here. I don't want a status Hello World. Let's do a loop. So, let's dim x as long. And I'll say for x equals 1 to 2,000. I tested it before. 2,000 seems about right. It takes about six seconds to run. And then we're going to status x is going to be x, like that little concatenation. It puts the string there, x colon, and then it puts the actual value for x after it. Nice and easy. Then next, that means we're done with the loop. Alright, and then we'll beep when we're done. Okay, save that. And I'll come back over here, I'm going to close it, reopen it, and hit the button. Alright, one, two, three, you can see how slow it is. Four, five, six, about six seconds. Okay, want to see exactly how long it takes? You can put that calculation in here. A little side project for us. Let's get the start time, the end time, and we'll calculate the difference between them. That sounds like a fun little project. See, I always like to throw, even if you think you know the topic, watch the video anyway because I like to throw these little cool tricks in here.

Let's do a start time as a date, end time as a date, and then we'll calculate the seconds between them. So, we'll go sec diff as long. You don't want to use seconds, that's a reserved word. So before the loop starts, we'll say start time equals now, that's right now, using the now function. The current date and time to the second. To the second, can you get more precise than that? Yeah, you can. That's a topic for a different video though. Alright, and then when this is done, we're going to say end time equals now. Now we can calculate the difference between them using the date diff function. So, sec diff, that's my variable, equals date diff seconds with S, start time, end time, just like that. I got a whole separate video on date diff if you want to learn how to take the difference between two dates and times. You can do months, years, whatever. I'll put a link to that down below. And now we can say status done in sec diff seconds like that. It will tell you how many seconds it took. And then our beep.

Alright. This should be cool already. Save it. Always throw in a debug compile when you make some changes. Major changes. Alright. Hello, world. It's running. It should take about six seconds. It's a good way for me to kill some time. No, I'm just kidding, just kidding. Alright, almost done. And boom, done in oh, eight seconds that time. When I ran it earlier, it took six seconds. You know what? Before when I tested this, I ran it a bunch of times and it always took six seconds, but I wasn't recording a video. So right now I'm recording, so I'll bet you that my screen recording software is taking up a little bit of processor cycles and that's causing that difference in time.

OK, but the slow thing here is the screen writes. Obviously, if in the middle of this loop you're sending an email, that's probably going to be the slow thing, and this technique might not help you as much. Because sending that email and connecting to the mail server and sending it, that's definitely going to be the slow thing. And that's where asynchronous processing comes in. Hang on, someone's beaming in from the Starship. Right? The asynchronous processing, I use a second database for that. So my database, when I put together like a mail batch, my database queues up the emails in a table, and the other database then sends them out in the background. That's an example of using two different databases. But in this particular case, this could be something simple in the middle here that you're doing. And the status is definitely the slow thing so how do we improve the screen writes well we'll just say, "I only want you to display it on the screen every, what, hundred records?" That should be about right. Let's do that. So I'm gonna say in here if x mod one hundred equals zero then do that. X mod 100 means if X is evenly divisible by 100, if the remainder after that division is 0, that's what modulus is, then go ahead and update the status.

Let's see how long it takes now. Ready, go. Done. 0 seconds. And obviously if this was a longer thing, let's add this up. Let's make this 100,000 records. Let's see what happens. Alright, save it and go. Alright, still taking a while, but it only took four seconds to do a hundred thousand, whereas it took eight seconds to do twenty thousand before. We can increase that rate. Instead of displaying every hundred, let's display every thousand. So you've got to kind of twerk, twerk, you've got to tweak this to your needs. There we go. Zero seconds again. So see, it's definitely the screen writes that are the slow thing there.

Now could you make this processor independent? Yeah, you could put something in here to check the time. You can have it so it only updates the screen every second because remember, I don't know if you guys are as old as I am but way back in the day. It was a Tuesday. Back in like the 90s and 80s and stuff, we had a turbo button on our PC. Who's old enough to remember the turbo button? Because all those games that were written for old PC XT computers, they were written to play with the clock speed of the computer. So if you're playing Tetris, the blocks fall at a particular rate based on the clock speed. It wasn't based on the real-time clock. And so when the newer, faster 386, 486 machines started coming out, you go to play Tetris and it went done. You're just dead in three seconds. So they added a turbo button so you could literally slow the computer down so you could play your old games. So, you could put something in here that says only update this every one second or every three seconds. However you think the user is going to deal with it. I'm not going to do that now, but if enough of you want to see how to do it, maybe I'll do it in another video. So post a comment down below if you'd like to see how that works.

Also, if you're going to run through a loop like this with 100,000 records, and let's say again you're sending an email batch to all your customers. I mean, I got like, I don't know, 200 some thousand people on my mailing list. And I like to watch it as it batches up and I can see what's going out and, "Oh, I discovered a typo and it's only going out to 50 people," so you want to stop the loop and then make a fix and then restart it. Well, you might want to put a little abort checkbox there so you can abort that loop. I'll talk about that in tomorrow's video.

But that is going to be your TechHelp video for today. I hope you learned something, my friends. Live long and prosper. I'll see you tomorrow.

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And okay, okay, a lot of you have told me that you don't have time to sit through a four-hour course. So I do now have a quicker Microsoft Access for Beginners video that covers all the basics faster, in about 30 minutes. And no, I didn't just put the video on fast forward. But I'll put a link to this down below as well.

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So that's it. Once again, my name is Richard Rost. Thank you for watching this video brought to you by I hope you enjoyed. I hope you learned something today. Live long and prosper, my friends. I'll see you again soon.

Live long and prosper, my friends. I'll see you again soon.

Using SQL instead of loops in VBA
Updating the screen less frequently in loops
Turning off screen writes with Echo command
Using asynchronous processing in VBA
Avoiding form controls in loops
Using memory variables instead of form fields
Using record sets for faster processing
Avoiding variant data types in loops
Using the modulus function (mod) to update status
Calculating execution time for loops
Implementing status updates in loops
Reducing screen writes to improve performance

In today's video from Access Learning Zone, we'll tackle speeding up your VBA loops in Microsoft Access. Brooke from Hilliard, Ohio, asks about slow loops, and I'll share some practical tips. First, consider using SQL instead of VBA loops for faster performance. Next, learn how to update the screen status less often, reducing the lag caused by frequent screen writes. We'll also explore alternative methods like asynchronous processing and working with memory variables instead of form controls. Finally, avoid using variants to enhance speed. You'll find the complete video on my YouTube channel and on my website at the link shown. Live long and prosper my friends.

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