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Richard Rost 
5 months ago
Q1. What problem is Dylan trying to solve in his form when using arrow keys?
A. Moving the focus from one column to another
B. Preventing navigation to the previous or next record when in a notes field
C. Automatically saving the form when pressing an arrow key
D. Preventing user input in a certain text field

Q2. What setting in Microsoft Access allows you to use arrow keys to navigate between records in a continuous form?
A. Client Records Navigation
B. Continuous Form Record Navigation Keys
C. Form Arrow Key Navigation
D. Access Record Arrow Keys

Q3. Where can you find the option to change the Continuous Form Record Navigation Keys setting in Access?
A. File > Database Tools
B. File > Options > Client Settings
C. View > Navigation Pane Options
D. Edit > Form Settings

Q4. What does setting the Key Preview property to "Yes" on a form do?
A. It enables all keyboard shortcuts
B. It allows the form to intercept keystrokes before they go to the fields on the form
C. It highlights active controls
D. It locks the form for editing

Q5. Which event is used to detect key presses in a form using VBA?
A. OnClick
B. OnLoad
C. OnKeyDown
D. OnFocus

Q6. What is the VBA constant for detecting the down arrow key?
A. vbKeyArrowDown
B. acArrowDown
C. VBA.KeyDown
D. vbKeyDown

Q7. What is the purpose of adding "On Error Resume Next" at the beginning of the Key Down event?
A. To skip over errors without stopping the program
B. To disable error handling
C. To ensure all errors are logged
D. To prevent moving to the previous record

Q8. How does the VBA code prevent the arrow keys from moving to the next or previous record if the focus is on the notes field?
A. It hides the notes field
B. It changes the Key Down event
C. It checks if the active control is the notes field and exits the subroutine if true
D. It locks the notes field

Q9. What is the command to move to the next record in VBA?
A. DoCmd.RecordNext
B. DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
C. DoCmd.MoveNext
D. DoCmd.NextRecord, , acNext

Q10. What should you do if you want to customize what happens when a user presses a specific key in the form, such as "Q"?
A. Use the Form_Tap event
B. Customize the OnKeyPress event for each control
C. Intercept the keystroke in the Form's Key Down event
D. Disable all other key events

1-B; 2-B; 3-B; 4-B; 5-C; 6-D; 7-A; 8-C; 9-B; 10-C

DISCLAIMER: Quiz questions are AI generated. If you find any that are wrong, don't make sense, or aren't related to the video topic at hand, then please post a comment and let me know. Thanks.

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