How do you get the ! menu to work for a selection? It appears on fields with a little green triangle at the top left. I'll post a screen shot when this gets approved.
Mandy DuncanOP 4 months ago
Kevin Robertson 4 months ago
Can you give us more details of what you are trying to do.
Mandy DuncanOP 4 months ago
I have this problem often. I'm doing a VLookup trying to compare work orders to their revision code (project number in a way). The work order will appear in the list but the VLookup can't see it. It can't see the ones that have the little green triangle. If I convert to a number, the VLookup sees it. I have tried changing the format of the cells but it only works if I "convert to number" through that menu.
Mandy DuncanOP 4 months ago
Ok sorry. As soon as I posted that last comment, I filtered all the #N/A's and it came up. Thanks.
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