I have a spreadsheet tracking ads purchased for our annual charity event. 4 columns contain an ad size if the company purchased an ad for that year. I need to be able to sort the entire list by #1. companies with ads confirmed for this year #2. companies who have purchased in the past 3 years #3. prospects that have not purchased.
I have used conditional formatting to bring grp #1 to the top. I put a hidden column at the end that I want excel to put an "x" in if they are a prospect - grp #3 (no words in any of the 4 columns). I have googled and played with the formula for several hours, and I cannot figure it out. Here is one I've tried.
=IF(AND(F3=ISBLANK,G3=ISBLANK,H3=ISBLANK,I3=ISBLANK),"x"," ") gives me #VALUE! error. Can someone help me with how to do this? Is this the best way to do it?
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