This textbox refers to 4 controls on the report by their name. When I open the report in report mode, the text in the textbox will not appear until I click on the textbox.
I have other similar reports that take a few seconds to show the text but this one simply doesn't show the text unless I open it in print preview mode. Can you help me understand why and how to fix it?
A similar behavior occurs on reports where I have textboxes in the main section of the report refering to controls that have Dlookups in them. In report mode, they will show "Type?" in the textbox but in print preview mode, it is OK.
Thanks for your time. I will include a screen shot explaining what I mean.
I wouldn't tend to put a Textbox on a Report.
Textboxes are for Data Entry
Reports are for viewing data.
Would a label not be fine instead?
Robert BlanchetteOP 2 months ago
Hi, a textbox would not allow me to have a DLookup inside of it right?
I'm using the method Richard described in Access Expert 10 (see screen capture).
He uses textboxes to show the result of DLookups.
I guess I'm confused.
Robert BlanchetteOP 2 months ago
Robert BlanchetteOP 2 months ago
Sorry, I meant a label wouldn't allow me to have a dlookup inside right?
Adam Schwanz 2 months ago
You can just use a textbox and set the background to transparent, turn off the borders, looks just like a label.
Robert BlanchetteOP 2 months ago
Thanks but I guess I'm back to the question in my initial post.
In report mode, a textbox in the header is not showing unless I click on the textbox.
In print preview mode, it does show.
Adam Schwanz 2 months ago
Use vba to set the value then in the on load event of the report. Labelname.caption=whatever
Robert BlanchetteOP 2 months ago
Thanks very much. Having the same statement in VBA fixes it. However I do not understand why. Thanks
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