Yes, believe it or not, I'm still not finished answering all the emails that came in during the week I was on vacation. Was expecting to get back Saturday afternoon. Flight got delayed and we didn't get home until late Saturday night. The fiance and I brought back a 24-hour flu or something because we were sick all day Sunday (like, leave me alone in bed with a bottle of Nyquil sick).
Yesterday I had a bunch of running around to do, including picking up my dogs from boarding and spending an hour at Verizon getting my phone replaced (which died on vacation). Today, I got a bunch more emails finished this morning, but I had to go for a consultation with my oral surgeon because that root canal I had fixed a few months back... yeah, it fell out. So the tooth needs to be pulled now and an implant has to go in. That happens Friday. Soooo....
If you're still waiting for a reply to am email from me, I'll hopefully be able to finish all these up tomorrow. Oh, and I still have to record a TechHelp video for tomorrow. Queue's empty.
I love my job and I've still got a smile on my face. 😁😎
Sami Shamma 36 days ago
And because of you and this community, I love my job too
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