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Have a good weekend everyone
Richard Rost 
34 days ago
Well, I'm off to the oral surgeon (again) to get this troublesome tooth removed for good. You've got a few new videos to keep you busy. I should be good by Monday. Last time I was talking fine and eating whole food in a couple of days. So... see you soon!
Kevin Robertson 
34 days ago
Hope all goes well.
Sami Shamma 
34 days ago
Best of luck my friend.
Thomas Gonder 
34 days ago
Had you a root canal previously? They did one on me, my only teeth problem since having braces and the wisdom teeth pulled as a kid. The root canal worked for about a month and then the pain came back stronger than ever. They finally pulled the tooth and found a large crack (which somehow they couldn't see on the extensive x-rays). I suspected the crack as I had told them the tooth felt different after feeling something strange from biting a popcorn seed.

So, to those that are interested, and I'm NOT A DENTIST, but many dentists, for over 50 years have suspected that "killing" a tooth with a root canal just sets the tooth up for infection since blood doesn't bring antibodies to the tooth after the procedure. Despite their appearance of hardness and enamel, apparently a tooth is a living organ (as compared to say, hair) filled with tiny holes that allow for nerves and blood to circulate.
Richard Rost OP 
34 days ago
Surgery went well. I got a big mouth full of gauze but feeling no pain (yet - thank you pharmaceuticals).

Yeah I had this tooth root canaled a few years ago after biting on a prune that I wasn't expecting to have a pit. The tooth, which already had a huge filling from a cavity in it, broke in half.

Root canal was fine for a few years then one day while eating the whole crown just came right off and pulled most of what was in my tooth out with it.

So... Today was to drill all that out and put a bone graft in. In 4 months they evaluate it and then put an implant in. Fun.

Time for some Star Trek and ice cream. I should have oral surgery more often. Lol
Sami Shamma 
34 days ago
We are grateful the surgery went well, feel better soon.
Richard Rost OP 
34 days ago
Painkillers from surgery are starting to wear off. Glad they gave me a prescription for some Hydrocodone. So if you log on to the site later and I've changed everything to psychedelic colors, you'll know why.

I've already finished my first tub of guilt-free Haagen-Dazs. Oral surgery has its benefits.
Sandra Truax 
34 days ago
Glad to hear all went well. Give my regards to Kirk!

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