A lot of you have been asking me why I haven't made any videos on the new features that have recently been added to Microsoft Access. From the Dataverse connector to the new Edge browser control and enhanced SQL editor, there's plenty to explore. However, you may have noticed that I haven't rushed to release videos about these updates. Let me explain why.
The main reason is simple: bugs. While these new features show great promise, I've learned through years of experience to wait until they're fully integrated, tested, and, most importantly, debugged. Rolling out new functionality often comes with unforeseen issues, and I prefer to let others discover those problems and let Microsoft resolve them before I dedicate my time to creating tutorials.
For example, I did a few videos on the Edge web browser control, but it's been buggy and people have complained. Now I'm seeing all kinds of posts from people having problems with the Monaco SQL editor. Imagine I spend hours teaching you how to use a brand-new feature, only to have it change significantly or require a workaround due to unresolved bugs. That's frustrating for both you and me. My goal is to deliver reliable, practical, and actionable guidance. I don't want you to deal with unnecessary headaches because of incomplete or problematic updates.
Waiting until a feature is stable also ensures that I can provide you with the best information. By then, I'll have had time to test it thoroughly myself and incorporate real-world use cases. When I finally release a tutorial, you can trust that it reflects the most accurate and reliable way to use the feature.
Rest assured, I'm keeping a close eye on these new developments, and as soon as they've proven their reliability, I'll be here to guide you through them. In the meantime, I'll continue focusing on core features and techniques that are time-tested and trouble-free.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. As always, my priority is to provide you with content you can trust, so you can use Microsoft Access with confidence.
Thomas Gonder 25 days ago
As the old saying goes: Pioneers take a lot of arrows in the back.
There are a lot of "features" in Access that I've been directed to over the past four years, only to spend hours finding out they don't work as advertised.
Yeah, I've turned off automatic updates in my copy of Office that I work with every day. Too many rollbacks. I'll wait for major "stable" versions before I update.
Lisa Snider 25 days ago
Thank you, Richard. Those that follow the bleeding edge aren't neccesarily the ones I trust to know what they're talking about. Caution is key with a DB, especially if you break something in the process of trying to be "first" to use a new feature. BTW... I'll be back soon.
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