Microsoft Access 104
Using Microsoft Access
Creating a contact history
table, string concatenation, contact history report, more form and report
tricks. 70 Minutes. |
AC104 Major Topics |
- Contact Management
- String Concatenation
- Report Headers
- Sorting & Grouping
- Page Numbers
In this course we're going to begin
building a Contact Management System. A �contact� is every
instance of communication with a customer � via phone, in person, email,
etc. We'll begin by building a table to store all of the contacts with
our customers.

Next, you'll build a contact query, so that
you can get - for example - a list of all contacts between two dates -
of course the user can type these dates in when the query runs using

We'll learn about string concatenation - or
taking two text fields (like First Name and Last Name) and smashing them
together into one Full Name field.

Next we will make a contact report - showing all
of the contacts for each of our customers. We'll learn about the Can
Grow and Can Shrink properties in reports - which will allow
certain fields (like our notes fields) to grow to fit the data in them.

Then we'll learn about Sorting and Grouping
levels in reports - so that we can turn group headers and
footers on and display all of a particular customer's contacts
together in the same group.

Finally (with reports) you'll learn how to use the
Page and Report Headers and Footers to put a classy title
at the top of your report, and Page Numbers at the bottom of each

We'll go back to our Main Menu and add buttons for
our new contact management features. We'll also create Tooltips
on them (you know - those little yellow text boxes that pop up to tell
you what a certain button does when you hover over it).

If you're interested in building your database
into a professional-quality contact manager, this is the course
for you. Say goodbye to your old Rolodex or Act! software. We're going
to make Access do everything for you! By the end of the next few
classes, you'll have something very powerful to use... and you can
customize it to do exactly what you want it to!