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  If you want to make Microsoft Access forms and reports that LOOK like real monthly Calendars, then take a look at my Access Calendar Seminar.

This class (Access 206, below) covers scheduling and task management, but doesn't actually print a monthly calendar report.
Courses - Microsoft Access 206
Description: Intermediate Microsoft Access 6
Running Time: 68 minutes
Pre-Requisites: Access 205 very strongly recommended
Previous Lesson: Access 205
Next Lesson: Access 207
Main Topics: Task Management, OnCurrent Event, GoToRecord, GoToControl, Expression Builder, Named Macro Sections
Versions: This course is valid for Access 2000 through 2003. If you are using Access 2007 or 2010, you will still benefit from this course. You will find that the concepts are the same, but there are cosmetic differences between the versions.

Microsoft Access 206
Intermediate Access 6

Task Management System, Synch Records on Two Forms, Set Values with Buttons, More Macro Tips, More. 68 Minutes.

AC206 Major Topics

  • Task Management System
  • Named Macro Sections
  • On Current Event
  • GoToRecord, GoToControl
  • Expression Builder

In this class, and Access 207 which directly follows, we will be building a Task Management System. We will teach you how to manage your tasks (to do list). We will learn how to synchronize the records on two forms. You will learn how to do more with buttons (like set field values). We will do more with Macros.

We will begin by setting up our Task Management table, the supporting tables, and forms. This will include fields to give each task a priority (high, medium, low, etc), a category, and whether or not the task is recurring.


While working on this form, we'll assign macros to the On Double Click events for each of the combo boxes - that way you can double-click on each combo box to open up a supporting table where you can edit the list of priorities, categories, and so on. In order to do this, we'll learn about Macro Names, where you can group sections of related macros together.


Next we'll make a Task List form which is a continuous form that will allow us to see all of our tasks in a nice, compact format. It's basically our "To Do" list.


Next we will learn about the On Current event, and how we can use it to synchronize the records on two forms. When we click on a record on our Task List form, the related Task will open up in the Task Form. This is a really powerful (and really cool) technique.


We'll learn some new Macro commands, like GoToRecord, GoToControl, and SetValue. You will learn how to turn the Wizards off and manually assign macros to buttons.


We'll take a look at the Expression Builder. Even though I personally don't use it often, I'll show you how it works.


We'll create some buttons on our Task form to change the task due date to today, tomorrow, plus a day, minus a day, and more. The focus here is to make buttons that can change field values.


Make sure to get yourself a copy of the Handbook for this course. There are a ton of ideas that I threw in while I was writing the book - after the course videos were made. The handbook has lots of extra tips in it!


Don't miss this course! We cover a lot of really cool tips and tricks with relation to macros and form values.


Access 206 Outline

Lesson 1. Setting up Task Tables
Create TaskT table
Create PriorityT table
Create CategoryT table
Create RecurringT table

Lesson 2. Setting up the Task Form
Create a TaskF simple form
Create combo boxes for Priority, Category, Recurring
Modify the Row Source for each to Sort the boxes
Create a macro to open each table when combo box dbl-clicked
On Dbl Click event
Macro Names (grouping macros)
Macro to open supporting tables

Lesson 3. Task List Form
Creating a Task List continuous form

Lesson 4. Synch Task List to Task Form
Creating a macro to open a specific form
Setting the OnCurrent event in the Task List Form
GoToRecord macro command (macro action)
GoToControl macro command
Creating a command button without the wizard
Assigning a macro to a command button
SetValue macro command
Using the Expression Builder
Creating buttons to set the due date to today

Lesson 5. More Date Buttons, Requery Button
Button to set due date to tomorrow
Button to set due date plus one, minus one day
Learn about adding fractions of a day
Button to set due date to "later today"
Creating a second bound date field with different format
Creating a button to requery your form results


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