We begin with covering some additional
information on Recordset options, record locking, types, counts,
and so on.
You will learn about the Seek method,
which is similar to Find, but faster and more efficient, although it
does have some limitations.

You'll learn about the CancelUpdate
method. You'll learn how to use the OpenDatabase command to work
with ANY database file, not necessarily just the currently open

You'll learn about the Fields collection,
and how to loop through all of the fields in a recordset using the
For Each method. You'll also learn how to determine the type of data
that is stored in each field.

Next we'll have some fun by creating our own
secure user logon for our database. I personally don't like Access'
built in security, so I've built my own.

I'll also show you how to create your own
LogIt function to track everything every user does in your database.

Access 322 - Course Outline
1. Recordset Tips, Part 1
Recordset Options
- dbAppendOnly
- dbDenyWrite
- dbDenyRead
Record Locking Options
- dbPessimistic
- dbOptimistic
RecordCount Not Working
- dbOpenTable: OK
- dbOpenDynaset SQL: OK
- dbOpenDynaset Table: NOT OK
- dbOpenSnapShot: NOT OK
2. Recordset Tips, Part 2
Seek Method
Must Be Indexed Field
Limitations of Seek
CancelUpdate Method
3. Opening a Different Database
OpenDatabase Method
Reading One Value From Multi-Select Box
OnDoubleClick - Which Is Selected?
Reading Records From A Different Database
4. Fields Collection
Displaying All Field Values
Showing Field Properties
Fields Collection
Type of Data
Using the FieldName as a Variable
5. Project: User Logon, Part 1
Why I Don't Like Access User Level Security
Create a User table
Create a Logon form
Password type Input Mask
Recordset to Check Password
Default Command Button
6. Project: User Logon, Part 2
Create a Log table
LogIt function
With, End With
Make LogIt a Global Sub in a Module
Global Variables
Global CurrentUserID, CurrentUsername
Cancel a Form OnOpen Event