This class begins our look at programming in Visual Basic for
Applications in Microsoft Access (VBA, or Access VB). We will
learn exactly what Visual Basic is, and what the different kinds of VB
that are available do. You will learn about the benefits of VBA
over macro programming. We assume you have no VBA
programming experience, and will write our very first VBA code, making
the computer say "Hello World!" which is a classic first program. You
will learn the MsgBox command.

You will learn about the
DoCmd.OpenForm command which is used to open a form in
Access. There are several options available and we'll cover some of
those today. You will learn about the arguments list, where condition,
how to open a specific record, and more.

We'll learn how to write
subroutines that have multiple commands in them. You'll learn
about the SetWarnings and OpenQuery

Next we will recreate the "add product"
button we designed with a macro back in the Expert series. We will learn
about the If / Then / Else statement,
GoToControl, and GoToRecord commands.

Finally we're going to learn about the
AfterUpdate event, and set up VBA code so that every
time I update one of the customer's billing address fields, the
corresponding shipping address field updates, if the box is checked.

This is the 1st class in the Access Developer series. If you're
serious about building quality databases with Access, and you want to
learn how to automate your database with VBA Programming then don't miss out on
this course. Of
course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is
for you, please contact me.

Complete Outline - Access
Developer Level
00. Intro (4:14)
01. Intro to Access VBA (8:42)
What is VBA Visual Basic for Applications Visual Studio
Visual Basic .NET Benefits over Macros
02. Our First VBA Code (12:51)
Hello World Turn off Project Explorer Turn off Properties
Window Turn off Immediate Window MsgBox Command
Parameters Optional Parameters Multiple Parameters
Keyword Statement Procedure Subroutine Function
03. DoCmd.OpenForm (12:46)
Open Form Command Arguments List Where Condition Open
Specific Record Duplicate Code Preview of Creating Subs |
04. Subs with Multiple Commands (5:59)
Archive Contacts Button Docmd.SetWarnings Docmd.OpenQuery
MsgBox Command
05. Add Product Button (12:01)
If Then Statement End If Else Docmd.GoToControl
Docmd.GoToRecord acNewRec SetValue in VBA
06. AfterUpdate Event (10:19)
Add New Customer Button After Update Event Always Use
Event Procedures Boolean Values TRUE is Assumed
07. Review (3:53) |
