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Access Developer Level 9

Developer-Level Microsoft Access Tutorial - 2 Hours, 32 Minutes
Access Developer 9 continues our focus on learning how to program the Visual Basic for Applications programming language (VBA) in Microsoft Access. Topics include:
access cd   - Add Search Form to Main Menu
  - Fixing Delete a Payment Problem
Lock or Unlock if Invoice Paid

  - Test Taker Database, Part 1
  - Table Setup, Relationships, Ref Integrity
  - Dept, Class, Test, Question, Answer
  - Multiple Choice v. Fill in the Blank
  - Continuous Form with Cont Subform
  - Begin Taking Test, Save All Results
Lots more

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Access Developer Level 9
Versions: This class was recorded with Microsoft Access 2016. The material is valid for Access 2007 up to 2021. Access has not changed that much over the years.
Pre-Requisites: Access Developer Level 8 strongly recommended, as you should watch all of my classes in order. However, if you're skipping around, you should have at least completed the Beginner series and the first 3 or 4 levels of the Expert series where I start to cover functions.
Running Time: 2 Hour, 32 Minutes
Cost: $41.99 - Members get 50% off. Join now.

This class continues our look at programming in Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Access (VBA, or Access VB). We will continue working with adding partial payments to invoices that we started on in Developer 7. We will begin by doing a little housekeeping in our database. We'll add some features that people have asked for since the last class. We'll start by putting a button for our search form on the Main Menu. We'll add a feature to open a customer record on the doubleclick event. We'll mark the order Unpaid if the user deletes a payment. Lots of little things like this will be covered in Lesson 1.

In Lesson 2 we're going to begin a new project called the Test Taker database. I've gotten lots of emails from my students over the past few months asking if I could take some time to setup a new database, going through table structure, relationships, referential integrity, and all that. This new project is an opportunity to do that. So in this lesson we're going to start building a database to give tests. You'll be able to specify an unlimited number of classes, tests, questions, and answers. You'll be able to track all of the responses from students. You can have multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. You'll even be able to time the test, which we'll get to in a later lesson. But today we will begin building this database. This lesson is all about the database structure. We'll set up the tables, relationships, and so on.

test taker database

Next we will build supporting forms for all of our test taker tables: departments, classes, tests, and answers.

In Lesson 4 we're going to build a question form with the answer subform right below it. This is something that you couldn't do in very early versions of Access - have a continuous form with a continuous subform inside of it. I'll show you how. You can have multiple correct answers, even with fill-in-the-blank type questions (you might want to allow them to type in "2" or "two" for example).

continuous form with subform

Now that all of the setup is complete, we can make a form to begin actually taking the test. We'll select the student, department, class, and test, and have cascading combo boxes which update based on your previous selection, locking (disabling) the appropriate options. When the test is started we'll assign an ID for the test session and use a little SQL INSERT INTO statement to save that to the table. Then I'll show you how to use DMAX to look it back up for storing the answers.

cascading combo boxes


This is the 9th class in the Access Developer series. If you're serious about building quality databases with Access, and you want to learn how to automate your database with VBA Programming then don't miss out on this course. Of course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is for you, please contact me.


Complete Outline - Access Developer Level 9


Keywords: Access VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access training, search form, main menu, lock, unlock, enabled, continuous form with subform, test taker


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