Level 5
Expert Microsoft
Access Tutorial - 1 Hour, 17 Minutes |
This Microsoft
Access video tutorial picks up where
Expert Level 4
left off. This class focuses on creating a letter report that
you can print, export, or email to your customers directly from your
You will learn how to edit embedded macros, customize the
Ribbon, work with Hyperlink parts, and more. Topics include:
- Print
a Letter Report
- Edit Embedded Macros
- Dealing with Dirty Form Records
- RefreshRecord Command
- Export to Word, Excel, PDF, more
- Email Report via Outlook
- HyperlinkPart Function
- EmailDatabaseObject Command
- Customize the Ribbon |

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If you would like a preview of what's covered in this class,
click here to watch the first
and last lessons of
this course (free of charge), or scroll down for more information.

Access Expert Level 5 |
Description: |
Expert Level 5 |
Versions: |
This class was recorded with Microsoft
Access 2013. The material is valid for Access 2007 up to 2021. Access has not changed that much over the years. |
Pre-Requisites: |
Access Expert Level
4 |
Running Time: |
1 Hour,
17 Minutes |
Cost: |
$22.99 |
This class
picks up where
Expert Level 4
left off. We begin by taking the contact management form we've built in
previous classes and upgrading it to allow us to type our correspondence
in rich text directly in a memo field.

Next we will design a report that is formatted to look like a letter
that we can then print out and send directly to our customers.
This way all of our correspondence is stored right in our database. No
more searching for Word documents. We'll learn how to format the
letter report properly, adjust paper size, margins, add a logo, set up a
page footer, page numbering, use the can grow and can shrink properties,
and lots more.

Next we'll learn how to edit Embedded Macros. When we create a
button to open the report with the Command Button Wizard, Access creates
an Embedded Macro for us. Once you learn how to work with these macros,
you can add all kinds of new stuff to your databases. We're just going
to scratch the surface today by learning how to refresh the current
record in our contact form before opening the letter report. This makes
sure that any recent edits are reflected before we print. You'll learn
about the OpenReport command, the RefreshRecord command,
build events, dirty records, and lots more.

Printing the letter is nice, but this is the 21st Century. We want to be
able to email our reports! In this lesson, we'll learn how we can
email a report with a single click. The Command Button Wizard can create
an email button for us, but with a few changes in the button's macro, we
can automatically populate the email address, subject line, and more.
You'll learn about the EmailDatabaseObject command, the
HyperlinkPart function, and more. Plus, we'll see how to export
the report in several different formats: Excel, Word, PDF, etc.

Finally, we'll take a few minutes to learn how to customize the
Ribbon. We'll see how to navigate the Ribbon using just the
keyboard, add and remove buttons from the Quick Access Toolbar, and
create our own custom Ribbon tabs and groups.

This is the fifth class in the Access Expert series. If
you need to manage any kind of customer correspondence, send email from
your database, print or export reports in different formats, or any of
the above topics, then this is a good class to take.
course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is
for you, please contact me.

Complete Outline - Access Expert Level
0. Intro (06:52)
1. Contact Letter Query (9:51)
Make Notes Field Rich Text
Set fields to Rich Text
Open Report to Specific Record
Query Criteria Forms!FormName!Field
Run Query Without Form Open
Enter Parameter Value Prompt
2. Contact Letter Report (15:16)
Format of a Printed Letter
Create Blank Report
Bring in Contact Query Fields
Remove Borders
Long Date Format
Create FullName Field in Report
String Concatenation in Text Box
Can Grow, Can Shrink
Text Box and Section Grow / Shrink
Label for Return Address
SHIFT-ENTER for New Line
Paper Size
Put Logo on for Letterhead
Line and Web Address in Page Footer
3. Print Letter Button (11:45)
Command Button
Print Preview Report
Dirty Records
Refresh Data Before Opening Report
Edit Embedded Macro
Build Event
OpenReport Command
Add New Action
RefreshRecord Command
Change Order of Macro Commands
Match Size of Text Box with Letter
Page Numbering
Page N of M |
4. Export or Email Letter (18:15)
Export to Excel
Export as Text File TXT
Export as PDF or XPS
Send as Email Attachment w Outlook
Export as Word Document
Export as HTML Document
Email Report Command Button
EMailDatabaseObject Command
Object Type
Object Name
Output Format
Anatomy of a Hyperlink Field
HyperlinkPart Function
5. Customizing the Ribbon (9:06)
Using ALT Keys
Minimize the Ribbon
Collapsing the Ribbon
Customize Quick Access Toolbar
Add to Quick Access Toolbar
Access Options
Customize Ribbon
Popular Commands
Commands Not in the Ribbon
New Custom Tab
New Custom Group
6. Review (5:54) |

Print Letters, Edit Embedded Macros, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access training, access 2007, access 2010, access 2013, rich text, letter writer, can grow, can shrink, paper size, margins, logo, hyperlink, dirty record, refresh, embedded macros, build event, openreport, refreshrecord, export to excel, export as pdf, emaildatabaseobject, hyperlinkpart, customize the ribbon |