Major topics covered in this class:
- Formatting Numbers
- Math Functions
- Generating Random Numbers
- String Functions
- The Response Object
- Redirecting To a Different Page
- Different Types of Form Fields
In this class you will learn how to format
numbers of all types. You will learn how to format currency values,
percents, and more. You will learn just about every ASP Math
function there is (absolute value, int, fix, exp, hex, etc.) You will
learn how to generate random numbers which is essential later on for
creating random rotating banners.

You will learn about all of the different Text
String functions so that you can convert to upper or lowercase,
determine how long a string is, chop off the left or right side of a
string, search within a string, and more.

We will study the Response object in
detail, and you will learn how to use the Buffer (clear, flush, etc.).
You will learn how to end execution of a script immediately, and how to
specify how long the user's browser should cache your page. You'll learn
how to redirect the user to a different page or web site. This
comes in handy if, for example, an invalid password was entered.

Finally, we'll study all of the different HTML
form field types such as drop-down lists, check boxes, text areas,
option buttons, etc.

More importantly, you'll learn how ASP deals with
these values when they're submitted.

Again, there aren't a lot of fancy screen shots to
show you from this class, but there's a lot of great, solid ASP material
covered in this 70+ minute tutorial. |