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Excel Beginner Level 1
Beginner Microsoft Excel Tutorial - 1 Hour 29 Minutes

Are you new to Microsoft Excel? This video tutorial will teach you all of the basics of how to use Excel. You will learn:
  - The Excel Interface & The Ribbon
  - Entering & Editing Data
  - The Formula Bar
  - Rows, Columns, Cells, Ranges
Worksheets & Workbooks
  - Formatting Data & Cells
  - Basic Math Calculations & Formulas
  - Saving, Loading, Printing Sheets

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Excel Beginner Level 1
Description: Excel Beginner Level 1
Versions: Recorded with Microsoft Excel 2010. Valid for 2007 to 2021.
Pre-Requisites: Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows required
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word helpful
Running Time: 1 Hour 29 Minutes
Cost: FREE

This course is for the novice user who has little or no experience with Microsoft Excel. We will begin by learning about the parts of the Excel interface, including the Title Bar, window control buttons, File menu, and more.


You will learn about the new Ribbon, the different tabs, groups, command, and dialog menus.


Next you will learn about the Quick Access Toolbar, the status bar, zoom controls, and scroll bars.


We will next learn about the Formula Bar, the different parts of a spreadsheet including rows, columns, and cells. You'll learn how to use the mouse pointer with respect to Excel, and learn about the different Sheet Tabs.


You'll learn how to properly input data into an Excel spreadsheet. We'll create a sales summary sheet in class with different sales reps and their sales figures by month. You'll see how to work with both the mouse and keyboard.


We'll learn how to edit data in our sheet. You'll learn how to replace data in the cells, edit data using the Formula Bar, and use Edit Mode directly in a cell. You'll also learn about Undo and Redo.


You will learn how to format your spreadsheet to make it look more professional. You'll learn about cell alignment, ranges, bold, italics, underline, and more.



Next we'll learn more formatting techniques. You'll change the font and font size. You'll learn how to resize columns and rows, change color, and more.



You will learn how to perform basic math calculations in Excel, and how formulas work. You'll learn about the basic math operators (add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponent) and how to use constants in your formulas.



We'll learn how to add multiple cells, use the mouse to build our formulas, work with the status bar, calculate an average, and we'll learn about the all-important Order of Operations.



Finally, you'll learn how to save, load, and print your worksheets. You'll also learn about pinning your files to the Recent Documents menu, and previewing your sheet before you print it.



Again, this is the perfect class for anyone who is new to Microsoft Excel. If you have little or no experience with spreadsheets, or you just want to get familiar with how Excel works, this class is for you. You should have some basic knowledge of Windows beforehand, and a little bit of Microsoft Word helps (so you're familiar with formatting text), but we'll teach you everything you need to know to use Excel to make simple spreadsheets. 

Of course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is for you, please contact me.


Complete Outline - Excel Beginner Level 1

01. Excel Interface 1 (6:22)
Starting Excel
The Ribbon Changes with Window Size
Title Bar
Maximize, Minimize, Restore Down
Close Button
File Tab - Backstage View

02. Excel Interface 2 (7:06)
The Ribbon
Ribbon Tabs, Groups, Buttons
Help Popup Menus for Each Command
Command Buttons
Drop-Down Menus
Command Button Groups
Dialog Box Launcher Buttons

03. Excel Interface 3 (5:30)
Quick Access Toolbar
Adding or Removing a Command from QAT
Status Bar
Views Buttons
Zoom Controls
Scroll Bars

04. Excel Interface 4 (5:55)
Formula Bar
What is a Spreadsheet
Columns, Rows, Cells
Name Box
Mouse Pointer
Sheet Tabs

05. Entering Data (5:19)
Creating a sales summary sheet
Entering text in Excel
Typing data into a cell
Select a Cell with Mouse
Select a Cell with Keyboard
Move with ENTER, TAB
Move with Arrow Keys
Entering Data

06. Editing Data (7:37)
Editing data in a cell
Four methods for editing data
Overtyping your data
Replacing data in your cells
Editing data using the Formula Bar
Editing a cell by double-clicking
Backspace vs. Delete Keys
Edit Mode with F2
Deleting data in a cell
Using UNDO in Excel
Using REDO in Excel
07. Formatting 1 (6:14)
Home, Alignment
Formatting your text
Horizontal cell alignment
Align Right, Left, Center
Format multiple cells at once
A Cell Range defined
Cell Range Notation (A1:B5)
Selecting cell rangess
Bold, Italics, Underline

08. Formatting 2 (8:40)
Changing the Font
Live Preview
Change Font Size Dropdown
Type in a Font Size Manually
Increase Font Size
Decrease Font Size
Resizing Columns
Changing Column Width
Resize Column with Double-Click
Resizing Rows
Background Color / Fill Color
Foreground Color / Font Color

09. Basic Math 1 (7:48)
Moving to a different sheet tab
Using a "scratch" sheet
Adding two cells together
How Formula Work in Excel
Auto Recalculation of Formula
See Formula in Formula Bar
See Result on the Sheet
Basic math operators
Using Constants
Clearing a range of cells
Selecting an Entire Column

10. Basic Math 2 (5:11)
Adding Multiple Cells
Select to See Summary in Status Bar
Click to Add Cell to Formula
Order of Operations
Using parentheses in math operations
Average a Group of Cells

11. Save, Load, Print (8:24)
Saving Your Workbook File
Save As a Different File
Open Recent Documents
Open Any Document
Pinning Documents to the List
Create a New Blank Workbook
Print Preview
Print Your Spreadsheet

12. Review (4:57)


Keywords: microsoft excel tutorial, microsoft excel tutorial, microsoft office excel tutorial, microsoft excel training, ribbon, interface, formula, sheet tabs, sales summary, entering data, editing data, formatting, cell, range, column, row, align, math, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, constants, adding, save, load, print, workbook, worksheet


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