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Excel Expert Level 2
Microsoft Excel Expert Tutorial - 1 Hour, 33 Minutes

This is the second class in our Excel Expert Series. It picks up where Expert Level 1 left off. The focus of this course is working with date and time values in Excel. Topics covered include:
 - Understanding how Excel stores dates/times
 - Date/time arithmetic (adding, subtracting)
 - Custom date/time codes and formats
 - Most popular date/time functions
 - Determining the components of a date/time
 - Constructing a date/time from it's components
 - Calculating an age or anniversary date
 - Determining the work days between two dates
 - Creating a time sheet to track hours

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If you would like a preview of what's covered in this class,
click here to watch the first lesson of this course (free of charge), or scroll down for more information.


Excel Expert Level 2
Description: Excel Expert Level 2
Versions: Recorded with Microsoft Excel 2010. Valid for 2007 to 2021.
Pre-Requisites: Excel Expert Level 1
Running Time: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
Cost: $9.99

This course is for the expert user who has good experience with Microsoft Excel or has completed the five courses in our Beginner Series plus Expert Level 1. This course will teach you how to work with dates and times in Excel.

We will begin by learning the different valid date/time formats. You will learn how Excel stores and handles dates internally (behind the scenes), and you will learn how to perform date/time arithmetic: adding two dates, calculating the difference in days between two dates, and so on.


Next, you will learn about all of the different custom date/time codes. You will be able to construct your own personalized date/time formats so that you can display values exactly as you want. For example, you could create a custom date/time that reads "Jan 01, 2011 at 6 PM."


Next we'll begin looking at the wide array of date/time functions, including Now, Today, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Weekday, Date, and Time. You will learn how to determine the current system date/time. You will learn how to deconstruct a date/time value (what is the month component in 3/1/2011). You will learn how to build a date/time value from it's various parts. You will learn more about adding dates and times together (add 3 months to 4/5/2011).


You will learn how to calculate the difference between two dates (in years, months, days, etc.). We will cover the YearFrac and DateDif functions. You will see how to calculate someone's current age given their date of birth. You will learn how to calculate an anniversary date.


Often times you're given spreadsheets or date from someone else who doesn't necessary know how to properly input data. Next we'll learn how to fix bad date values given to you by someone else. For example, perhaps they typed all their dates in as "19990301". We'll see how to fix that.

We will cover more popular date/time functions including DateValue, TimeValue, EDate, EOMonth. You'll learn how to figure out the last day of any given month, and by extension, how many days a particular month has (handy for accounting).

You learn the NetWorkDays, NetWorkDays.INTL, WorkDay, WorkDay.INTL, and WeekNum functions. You'll see how to calculate the number of work days (Mon to Fri) between two dates. Then you'll see how to add your own custom list of excluded work days (such as holidays). You'll also see how to specify your own work week (perhaps you work Mon to Sat).


You will learn how to accurately calculate the difference between two times. This is essential for creating an employee time sheet, which we'll do in class. You'll see how to calculate the total hours worked (including a lunch break). You'll learn how to display the total time in either hours and fractions of hours (such as 40.5) or hours and minutes (such as 40:30).


Finally, we'll go over a ton of date and time tricks. You'll learn more about AutoFill and how it handles dates/times. You'll learn how to calculate specific date/time values, such as the first and last days of a month, the total number of days in any month, what quarter a month falls in, the first and last days of a year, what day number (in the year) is it, how many days are left in this year, and lots more. You'll also learn how to add up hours, minutes, and seconds (and display them however you want) plus how to work with fractions of a second.


Again, this is the perfect class for anyone who wants to learn how to work effectively with dates and times in Microsoft Excel. Of course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is for you, please contact me.


Complete Outline - Excel Expert Level 2

00. Intro (7:49)

01. Excel Dates & Times (9:12)
Valid Date Formats
Valid Time Formats
Valid Date/Time Formats
Understanding Internal Dates
Date Arithmetic
Adding Days
Adding Hours

02. Custom Date/Time Codes (6:33)
Customizing Date Formats
Custom Date & Time Codes

03. Date/Time Functions 1 (11:11)
Current System Date/Time
Current Time
F9 to Recalculate
Current Date
Calculating the Time Only
Components of a Date
Changing WEEKDAY Start Day
Building a Date from Components
Buildnig a Time from Components
Adding Dates with DATE Function
Adding Times with TIME Function

04. Date/Time Functions 2 (14:13)
Calculate Difference in Dates
Calculate Age in Years Using Math
INT function
Difference in Whole Years
Difference in Months Between Dates
05. Date/Time Functions 3 (13:49)
Converting Bad Imported Dates
Convert 20110801 to 8/1/2011
Review of LEFT, RIGHT, MID
Convert Text Date to Actual Date
Determine Last Day of the Month
Work Days Between Two Dates
Custom List of Excluded Holidays
Count Number of Workdays Forward
Custom Work Days String "0000011"
Week Number of the Year

06. Date/Time Functions 4 (12:04)
AutoFill with Days of the Week
AutoFill Date Options
Fill Days, Months, Years, Weekdays
Subtract Two Times
Format as a Number
Convert Days to Hours
Display Hours and Fractions
Display Hours and Minutes
Adding up hours with [h]:mm

07. Date/Time Tips & Tricks (13:57)
Creating a series of dates with AutoFill
Calculating specific dates
First day of a month
Last day of a month
Number of days in a month
What quarter is a date in
First day of the year
Last day of the year
Day number (of the year)
Days remaining in the year
Inserting the current date and time
Adding up hours, minutes, seconds
Displaying fractions of a second

08. Review (4:28)


Keywords: microsoft excel tutorial, microsoft excel tutorial, microsoft office excel tutorial, microsoft excel training, dates, times, date formats, time formats, date codes, now, today, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, datevalue, timevalue, edate, eomonth, networkdays, workday, networkdays.intl, workday.intl, weeknum, subtract times, first day of month, last day of month, days in a month, quarter, first day of year, last day of year, days remaining in year, custom date formats, yearfrac, datedif


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