Lesson 1. Table Basics
What is a Table
Rows, Columns, Cells
Create a table using the toolbar
Editing the format of table contents
Highlighting rows and columns
Cell background colors
Horizontal alignment
Resizing columns
Insert, delete rows and columns
Tables toolbar
Docking the toolbar
Table Autoformat
Lesson 2. Table Properties
Insert from menubar
Editing table properties
Table size: percent or pixels
Cell properties
Cell sizes as percent of table or pixels
Autofit to contents
Lesson 3. More Table Properties
Cell padding & spacing
Border Colors
Light & Dark Borders
Table horizontal alignment
Text wrap (float)
Distribute columns evenly
Lesson 4. Table Tricks
Merge cells
Split cells
Pencil & eraser tools (Draw Table)
Creating Nested Tables
Table background colors
Split table
Lesson 5. Page Layout
Creating a new home page
Review of the Include Page Component
Using WordArt in FrontPage
Completed home page |