This is the second of two courses
covering Photoshop's various Filters. The purpose of these two
classes is to familiarize you with all of the different kinds of
filtering effects available in Photoshop. In today's class you will
- Sketch Filters
- Distort Filters
- Pixelate Filters
- Noise Filters
- Render Filters
- Stylize Filters
- Texture Filters
We begin by learning about the
Sketch Filters: Bas Relief, Chalk & Charcoal, Charcoal, Chrome,
Conte Crayon, Graphic Pen, Halftone, Pattern, Notepaper, Plaster,
Photocopy, Reticulation, Stamp, Torn Edges, and Water Paper.
Before - our Rose picture
Bas Relief Filter
Chalk & Charcoal Filter
Chrome Filter
Before - our flower bouquet
Notepaper Filter
Photocopy Filter
Stamp Filter
Before - picture of a softball
After the stamp filter (rubber
Torn Edges Filter
Water Paper Filter
Next we learn the
Distort Filters: Diffuse Glow, Displace, Displacement Map, Glass,
Ocean Ripple, Pinch, Spherize, ZigZag, Polar Coordinates, Ripple, Shear,
Twirl, Wave.
Diffuse Glow Filter
Diffuse Glow make a bride...
...really stand out.
It's also really good for...
...any kind of product placement pictures.
You will learn how to use the
build-in Photoshop displacement maps, and you'll also learn how
to create your own. Notice the softball interspaced throughout this
Glass Filter
Settings for the Pinch Filter
Settings for the Spherize Filter
The Polar Coordinates Filter lets you take a flat image...
...and turn it into a rounded "globe"
around one of the poles.
The "Wind" Shear Filter
Next we learn the Pixelate Filters:
Mosaic, Color Halftone, Facet, Fragment, Crystallize, Mezzotint, and
Use the Mosaic Filter to create a "Tiled"
The Color Halftone Filter
The Fragment Filter
The Crystallize Filter
The Mezzotint Filter
Settings for the Pointilize Filter
Next we learn the Noise Filters:
Add Noice, Despeckle, Dust & Scratches, and Median.
Settings for the Add Noise Filter
The Dust & Scratches Filter can take
a section from a badly scratched photo...
...and automatically remove scratches. Notice the grass.
Next we learn the Render Filters:
3D Transform, Clouds, Difference Clouds, Lens Flare, Lightning Effects.
Settings for the 3D Transform
We can take this fish...
...and make his head poke out at us more.
You can use the Clouds filter to
instantly add clouds
to the background of any picture.
The Difference Clouds Filter gives a
psychadelic effect
Use the Lens Flare filter to add a
"flash" to the image
Settings for the Lighting Effects
Before the Lighting Effect Filter
After... we added a soft yellow light
coming from the upper-right corner
Here's a soft blue light from the left.
Next we study the Stylize Filters:
Diffuse, Emboss, Extrude, Find Edges, Glowing Edges, Solarize, Trace
Countour, Tiles, and Wind.
The Diffuse Filter
The Emboss Filter
The Extrude Filter
The Find Edges Filter
The Glowing Edges Filter
Desaturate and add the Solarize
Filter for a cool reverse negative
The Tiles Filter
Settings for the Trace Contour
The Wind Filter should have been
called Paint Smear
Finally we'll study the Texture Filters:
Craquelure, Grain, Mosaic Tiles, Patchwork, Stained Glass, and
The Craquelure Filter
The Grain Filter
The Mosaic Tiles Filter
The Patchwork Filter
The Stained Glass Filter
The Texturizer Filter can make your
image look like it's painted
over different textures, such as a brick wall or canvas
In this class I show you a whole ton of
different filters. The images above are only a small sample of
everything we go over in class. Don't miss this tutorial if you want to
learn how to add these kinds of effects to your Photoshop artwork.