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Courses - Microsoft Windows Vista 102
Description: Windows Vista 102 - Using Vista
Running Time: 83 minutes
Pre-Requisite: Windows Vista 101
This is the continuation of our Windows Vista 101 course. Picking up where Vista 101 left off, we'll first learn how to customize Windows: setting the system clock, changing time and date, Windows appearance, and custom backgrounds.


We'll discuss the User Account Control - what it is, what it does, and why it's needed for some users.


I'll also show you how to turn on the "Classic" Windows Start Menu and make your folders and windows have that Classic Windows look and feel... if you're homesick for Windows XP or 2000.


Next we'll learn about the Windows Sidebar and some of the Gadgets. You'll see how to turn the Sidebar on.


I'll show you how to turn gadgets off, move gadgets up or down, work with gadget options and styles, and activate other gadgets. We'll take a look at the CPU meter to gauge processor and memory usage. I'll show you the Notes gadget which adds a notepad to your desktop.


I'll show you the Weather gadget. You'll see how to do in and change your location. I'm in Buffalo NY.


I'll show you how you can go online to Microsoft's Web Site to download even more gadgets for your sidebar. I'll teach you how to make your gadgets stay on top of other windows automatically (sidebar properties). I'll show you how you can detatch the gadgets from the sidebar and put them anywhere on your desktop.


Next, we'll learn how to write a letter using Windows Vista's built-in word processor called WordPad. You'll learn how to write a basic business letter, save your letter to your hard drive, open your letter, delete it, print it, and get it out of the recycle bin.


I'll show you where Windows Vista stores your files by default - in your Documents folder.


Next we'll talk about copying files and deleting files. I'll show you how to undelete your files out of the Recycle Bin, or permanently delete them by emptying the recycle bin.


Next we'll talk about the new Windows Vista Search feature and how we can use it to find just about anything on our computer from documents to programs.


In the next lesson, we'll learn about how to get on the World Wide Web using Microsoft Internet Explorer. You'll learn all about hyperlinks, the back and forward buttons, URLs, saving favorites, installing plugins like the Adobe Flash Player, how to watch videos on YouTube, how to search for information on Google, and much more.


Next we'll learn how to use Windows Mail to send and receive email. You'll learn how to set up an email account, send email, receive email, delete mail, and so on. You'll also learn how to send an email attachment, and what to watch out for when someone else sends you an attachment.



  Teacher's Outline

00. Introduction (2:59)

01. Customizing Windows (14:12)
System Clock
Changing Time & Date
Windows Appearance
Custom Background
Classic Start Menu
Classic Windows Folders
User Account Control

02. Sidebar (9:21)
Windows Sidebar
Turning the Sidebar On
Turning a Gadget Off
Moving a Gadget
Gadget Options
CPU Meter
Notes Gadget
The Weather Gadget
Changing Your Location
Getting More Gadgets Online
Keep the Sidebar on Top of Other Windows
Detaching Gadgets from the Sidebar
Turning the Sidebar Off

03. Using Wordpad (18:09)
Writing a Letter
Saving & Opening a File
Deleting a File
Recycle Bin
Printing Your Letter
Selecting Text
Changing Fonts
Font Size
Bold, Italics, Underline
Changing Font Color
Center, Left Justify, Right Justify
Print Preview
Opening the Recycle Bin
Undeleting a File from the Recycle Bin
Right-Click, Restore a File
Emptying the Recycle Bin - Secure Delete
How Often Should You Empty the Recycle Bin?

04. Windows Search (4:36)
Why is Windows Vista Search Better
How Windows Searches Inside Documents
Search for Programs
Background Indexing
Search the Internet
Search Boxes in Folders

05. Internet Explorer (14:10)
Visiting a Web Page
Back and Forward Buttons
Adding a Favorite
Searching the Web
Popular Plugins
What is Microsoft Phishing Filter
Adobe Flash Player
Information Toolbar
Playing Videos
List of Safe Plugins
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Real Player
Quicktime Player

06. Windows Mail (18:57)
Setting up an Email Account
Sending Email
Receiving Email
Dealing with Attachments
Creating Contacts
Mail Servers
Different Mail Folders
Inbox, Outbox, Sent Mail, Deleted Items
Windows Junk Mail Filter

09. Review (2:26)


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