Courses - Microsoft Word
201 |
Teacher's Outline |
Lesson 0. Introduction
Lesson 1. Basic Mail Merge
What is Mail Merge
What can Mail Merge do?
How does Mail Merge work?
Performing a Basic Mail Merge
Creating a basic form letter
Opening the Mail Merge Toolbar
Starting the Mail Merge Wizard
Creating a new Address List in Word
Navigating through your records
Creating a new entry
Deleting an entry
Saving your data source
Managing your records
Sorting your records
Filtering your records
Excluding recipients
Inserting an Address Block
Editing the Address Block parameters
Inserting a Greeting Line
Editing the Greeting Line parameters
Previewing your letters with data
Browsing between recipients in preview
Completing the Merge
Merging All or Partial sets of records
Editing individual letters
Using View Merged Data to preview data
Lesson 2. Custom Fields
Running a Mail Merge with custom data fields
Customizing your Word data source
Adding fields of your own design
Filtering out blank records
Inserting a Date / Time code
Setting the date to update automatically
Inserting custom merge codes into your document
Highlight Merge Fields
Lesson 3. Merge Data From Excel
Setting up a basic Excel spreadsheet
Column headers
Entering data
Resizing columns
Setting background colors
Saving your spreadsheet
Creating your Word form letter
Selecting your Excel data source records
Choosing your spreadsheet
Manipulating records
Using Match Fields to line up field names
Scrolling through records using the Toolbar
Lesson 4. Merge Data From Access
Creating a blank Access database
Designing a table in Access
Field names
Data types
Saving your table
Primary keys
Entering data into your table
Creating your form letter in Word
Selecting your Access data source
Merging your records
Lesson 5. Mailing Labels
Using the Wizard to create Mailing Labels
Selecting the type of labels you want
Formatting a page of labels
Selecting your data source
Inserting an address block
Update all labels to propagate the label format
Preview and print your labels
Lesson 6. Mail Merge Without the Wizard
Opening the Mail Merge Toolbar
Main Document Setup button
Open Data Source button
Selecting your source of data records
Editing your mail merge recipients
Filtering to show just customers from NY
Writing your letter
Inserting your merge fields
Highlight Merge Fields button
Match Fields button
Propagate Labels button
Using Find Entry to locate records
Check for Errors button
Merge to New Document
Merge to Printer
Merge to Email
Merge to Fax
Lesson 7. Mass Email with Microsoft Outlook
Opening Outlook
Examining your Contacts folder
Creating new Contacts
Creating your email in Word
Selecting your Outlook Contacts data source
Inserting merge fields
Browsing recipients
Performing the merge
Send & Receive
Lesson 8. Mail Merge with Word 2000
Using mail merge in older versions of Word
Starting the Mail Merge
Creating form letters
Using the Active Window
Creating a data source
Deleting unused fields
Creating new custom fields
Saving your data source
Editing your data source
Entering in names and addresses
Opening the Mail Merge Helper
Creating your document (letter)
Inserting Merge Fields
Saving your document
View Merged Data
Perform the Mail Merge
Don't print blank lines
Lesson 9. Review Topics