course is for the
user who has little or no experience with
Microsoft Word except for our
Word Basic 1 course. We will
begin by covering the different Word Views, such as Print Layout,
Draft, and Outline.
Next, we'll spend more time with the
Font Group commands, including underline, subscript, superscript,
the highlighter pen, change case, and clear formatting functions.
You will learn more about the
Paragraph Group functions, including full justification, line
spacing, how to select the entire document with one keystroke, and how
to add/remove spacing before/after a paragraph.
Next, you'll learn how to increase /
decrease paragraph indenting, and set borders and shading for
your paragraph.
In the next lesson, we'll cover custom
bulleted lists, numbered lists, the bullet and numbering libraries,
multilevel lists, and sorting lists & paragraphs.
Next we'll learn about one of the most
important and powerful features in Word: Styles. If you
learn how to master Styles, then constructing professional-quality
documents becomes much easier. You'll first learn about the Format
Painter, then what Styles are, how to use them, and how to use the
Normal, Heading 1, and Title Styles.
In the next lesson, you'll continue
working with Styles. You'll learn how to change Style sets, color
sets, font sets, and the overall document Theme.
Next, you'll learn about the Find and
Replace feature. You can find any text in your document, and
optionally replace it with other text. You'll also learn about Replace
All, and the Reading Highlight.
Finally, you'll learn about one of my
favorite features: Shrink to Fit. You can use this to shrink your
document by one page - in case you have a document with just a tiny bit
of text on the last page.
Again, this is the perfect class for
anyone who is new to Microsoft Word, and has finished my
Word Basic 1
course. If you
have little or no experience with word processing, or you just want to
get familiar with how Word works, this class is for you.
course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is
for you, please contact me.
Complete Outline - Word Basic 2
0. Intro (8:00)
Topics Covered
Version Used
Who is This Class For?
How to Learn
1. Setup, Views (8:07)
Start Word
Inserting Random Dummy Text
Save Document
Word's Different Views
Print Layout
Full Screen Reading
Web Layout
2. Font Group (8:05)
Underline Styles
More Underline Styles
Highlighter Pen
Text Highlight Color
Change Case Button
Clear Formatting
3. Paragraph Group (6:51)
Align Text Left
Center Text
Align Text Right
Justify (Full Justification)
Line Spacing
Default 1.15 in Word
CTRL-A Select Entire Document
Select Full Lines of Text
Add Space Before Paragraph
Remove Space After Paragraph
4. Paragraph Group (4:39)
Increase Indent
Decrease Indent
Paragraph Borders
Left Right Top Bottom Borders
No Border, All Borders
Inside Outside Borders
Paragraph Shading
No Color |
5. Paragraph Group 3 (8:08)
Bulleted List (Bullets)
Change Bullets
Bullet Library
Change Just One Bullet
Numbered List (Numbering)
Word Renumbers Your List
Insert Item Inside the List
Different Styles of Numbers
Numbering Library
Multilevel List
TAB to demote items
SHIFT-TAB to promote items
Similar to an Outline
Sorting Lists or Paragraphs
6. Styles, Part 1 (7:39)
The Format Painter
Copying and Painting a Format
Making Format Painter Stay On
Why a Style is Best
Setting a Style: Heading 1
Extra Spacing in a Style
Title Style
7. Styles, Part 2 (6:24)
Change Style Sets
Style Color Sets
Style Font Sets
Changing the Document Theme
Theme Sets
8. Find & Replace (6:38)
Editing Group
Find Next
Reading Highlight
Clear Highlighting
Replace All
9. Shrink One Page (1:56)
Print Preview
Zoom > Two Pages
Shrink One Page
Shrink To Fit
10. Review (4:11)
Review Topics
What's Next?