Turning on the QuickLaunch Bar
Q: |
On my old Windows 98
computer, I had a bar of buttons across the bottom of my screen that
let me click on programs, like Word or Excel, to run them without
having to find the shortcuts on my desktop, or dig around in my
Start Menu. Now that I have a new computer with Windows XP, I don't
seem to have that bar. Does XP have something like this? >Maria,
Boston NY |
A: |
Yes, Maria. It's called
the QuickLaunch bar. It works the same in XP as it did in
Windows 98 and 2000, but you have to turn it on. Just right-click
anywhere on your TaskBar (that big bar at the bottom of your screen
- but not on an existing button) and then click on Toolbars >
QuickLaunch. You will now see the QuickLaunch bar you're familiar
with. Normally it will just start out with icons for Internet
Explorer, Outlook (or Outlook Express), and the Show Desktop icon,
but you can now create shortcuts (buttons) for any applications you
like just by dragging them there. We teach you all about the
QuickLaunch bar and how to use it in our
Microsoft Windows 121 course, which is available on our Web
site. |

By Richard Rost
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