I was reading this article on LibreOffice. While I've been a lifelong Microsoft user (and have no plans on switching) I do occasionally get emails from folks saying they need an alternative.
Have any of you used LibreOffice Base (which is their database program). Their online documentation is lacking, and I can't find any screenshots of it.
If you've used it, what are your thoughts? Before I waste my time downloading and installing it, I figured I'd ask ya'll first.
Correction: their website has one screenshot of it. Looks very Access-like. I don't see that they have any kind of scripting, macros, or VB-like language. Could be limiting.
Donald Blackwell 3 days ago
I've looked at it a couple times, but never did anything with it. With the limited information available, I just don't have the time to try to figure it out from scratch. I did look at enough to learn that it does support scripting/macros: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting_Framework
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