I have a large quantity of text that I am manually cutting and pasting from Adobe pdf documents into an Excel worksheet. Some of the pasted rows contain data of interest while others do not.
I would like to write a piece of VBA code that will evaluate a row based on the value of the first character in column 1. If that character is not a number, delete the row. If that character is a number, leave the row alone and move to the next until a blank cell is found.
I have a pretty good idea of the logic pattern to use, but I need help with the VBA syntax.
Many thanks for your help.
Kevin Robertson 8 months ago
Does the code in my screenshot below fit your needs?
Kevin Robertson 8 months ago
Tom HenriksonOP 8 months ago
That's exactly what I was thinking. Thank you, Kevin.
Kevin Robertson 8 months ago
You're welcome.
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