This is part 2 of the DateTime functions, and part 4 of the Comprehensive Guide to Access Functions.
We will be learning many new functions in today's class. We will start
by using these simple date/time functions to break apart a date value
into it's components:
- Day() - Month()
- Year() - Hour() - Minute() - Second()
We can use these functions to answer
questions like is this date in the current year? Previous year? Current
month? Year to date? We will use the WeekDay() function to
determine what day of the week a particular date falls on (Sunday thru
Saturday). We can then determine if this is a work day (M-F) or a
weekend day (S,S).
Next we will learn about the DateAdd() function which we can use
to add any interval to a date range. The interval can be days, weeks,
months, years, quarters, etc. This is handy for working with whole
calendar months or years. You can say "add 3 months to this date" and
get the correct answer; much better than just adding 30 days for a
month. You can also subtract dates, such as "what date was exactly 7
year ago?" or "what date is 9 months from now?" In this example, we are
adding 10 years to the value in field D:
We will learn about the DateDiff() function which is used for
finding the difference between two days, again in any interval you want.
How many years are between two dates? How many weeks? How many whole
months? How many weeks have there been since Jan 1st of the current
year? We'll also learn about the optional First Day Of Week and
First Week of Year parameters.
The DatePart() function is like the functions we learned earlier
for taking a date apart into it's various components, but it has a lot
more flexibility. We can use DatePart for answering questions like "is a
date in a specific month?" or "is this date in the previous quarter?"
I'll show you a couple of formulas listed on Microsoft's site that may
not give you correct values when dealing with weeks and the DatePart
function, and my replacements for those.
The DateSerial() function is one of the most useful functions in
Access. You can use it to construct a date from its various components.
You can use DateSerial to find the first day of the month, the first day
of next month, the last day of the previous quarter, how many days are
in this year, and lots more. We'll learn how to calculate someone's
EXACT age (to the second). This is great for birthdays,
anniversaries, and knowing whether or not someone should be drinking in
your bar. :)
You will learn how to display Ordinal Dates, so if you want to
say "Today is Monday, February 2nd" you can. You'll learn how to use
nested IIF functions to determine how to write 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, etc.
Finally, you will learn how to generate a list of all of the
birthdays (or anniversaries) coming up next month, so you can
print out birthday cards in January for all of the February birthdays.
We'll also talk about Table-Level Validation Rules, so you can
make sure all of your order ship dates are later than the order dates.
New with this class, all of the functions and other code used in the
class will be included in a "Code Sample" form inside the database you
can download from my site at no extra charge:
This is the 28th class in the Access Expert series. This
is the fourth class in my Comprehensive Function Guide series, and part
of 2 classes on Date/Time Functions. If you're
serious about building quality databases with Access, don't miss out on
this course. Of
course, if you have any questions about whether or not this class is
for you, please contact me.
Complete Outline - Access Expert Level
00. Intro (8:30)
01. Break Apart Dates (21:59)
Day(), Month(), Year()
Hour(), Minute(), Second()
Is date in current year
Format property display
Is date in previous year
Is date in next year
Is date in current month
Is date in current year to date
WeekDay() Function
WeekDayName() Function
MonthName() Function
What Day of the Week is Today?
First Day of Week
Last Day of Week
Tuesday Following Date
Weeks that Start on a Different Day
What's Weekday if week starts on Monday?
What's Monday before today?
Is Date a Work Day (Mon-Fri)
Is Date a Weekend Day (Sat, Sun)
02. DateAdd Function (9:32)
Query Insert Columns
DateAdd() Function
One day from Date
DateAdd Format Codes
One week from Date
One month from Date
One year from Date
How DateAdd handles leap years
One week before Date
Exactly 9 months from Date
Exactly 21 years before Date
1.5 years from Date
Within one calendar month from Date
Less than one calendar month before
Ten Minutes from Date
03. DateDiff Function (15:32)
Difference Between Two Dates
DateDiff() Function
Number of days between two dates
Number of days since order placed
Months until mortgage is paid
Someone's age (not 100% reliable)
Number of weeks since Jan 1st
Number of minutes worked
First Day of Week Optional Parameter
First Week of Year Optional Parameter |
04. DatePart Function (16:52)
Working with individual date components DatePart() Function
Show orders from this year Similar as Day, Month, Year
Date in a specific month Date in a specific quarter Date
in current week of year Invalid formulas on Microsoft's site
Date in previous week Date in next week Be careful of
suspicious behavior Use optional parameters for DatePart
Date in previous month Date in next month Date in current
quarter Date in previous quarter Date in next quarter
05. DateSerial Function (17:03)
First Day of Month Last Day of Month First Day of Previous
Month Last Day of Previous Month First Day of Following
Month Last Day of Following Month First Day of Quarter
Last Day of Quarter First Day of Year Last Day of Year
How Many Days in Month How Many Days in Quarter How Many
Days in Year What Day of the Year is it? How Many Days
Remaining in Year? Exact Age / Anniversary Calculations
TimeSerial() like DateSerial DateValue() Function
TimeValue() Function CDate() Function - BOTH date AND time
Useful to convert strings to DateTime
06. Ordinal Dates (08:40)
Displaying 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Discuss VBA Function for
Ordinals Learn how to calculate with IIF Functions
07. Miscellaneous (33:02)
Calculate Someone's Next Birthday Date List of Birthdays in
Next 60 Days How many days until your next birthday List
of Birthdays from Next Month Use the NZ function Not all
customers have CustomerSince If NULL, assume start date of
business Field Level Validation Rules Table Level
Validation Rules Validation Rule ShipDate > OrderDate
Validation Rule OrderDate <= Now()
08. Review (6:36)) |
Comprehensive Function Guide, Date Time Functions Part 2, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access tutorial, microsoft access training, access 2007, access 2010, access 2013, Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second, WeekDay, WeekDayName, MonthName, DateAdd, DateDiff, DateSerial, DatePart, DateValue, TimeValue, CDate |